Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 7 Digital Story Telling

This week we read about the digital technologies. I was excited that I have used all of the items described to us in the presentation. Some of the devices presented were digital cameras and its storage devices, PDA's, and digital video cameras. We were also introduced to Pod casting. This is basically an audio device uploaded to the internet that anyone can one listen to. The Mac computers have a Garage Band application that we learned how to use to create a PodCast.

It would be very easy to incorporate the digital technologies into the classroom setting. Most teachers have already begun to use many of these digital devices. I was introduced to podcasting in my AP Spanish class for my senior year of high school. We had to make our own podcasts in Spanish and upload them to the class website. Digital photography and digital videos could also be an especially fun way for students to present materials that they have learned.

Click here to view a website about Podcasting. I found this website through the Google search engine. It basically just gives ideas about how you can incorporate podcasts into teaching. It also gives links to some podcasting tutorials.

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